Thursday, May 17, 2018

Unexpected Way to Secure Your Home

You probably think that you’ve got the basis covered in terms of securing your home. However, you’ll be surprised to learn that there are some places a thief will target that most people would never suspect. One of these places is your car garage. You might think that you garage would be the last place that someone would try to come into your home. However, we don’t know why people would think this since in most instances the garage leads right into your home. At Locksmith Clarkston GA in Clarkston, Georgia, we often suggest to our customers that we also add locks to their garage door if they don’t already have them. If you’re one of those people who is assuming your garage door opener offers you all the protection you need, think again. 

There are some electric garage door openers that will make it possible for you to also install a lock for added security. When having additional locks installed on your garage door, we only recommend the services of a professional locksmith. If you happen to be inside your home and have left the garage open, what prevents someone from walking right inside your home? If your garage door is having trouble closing all the way and there is the slightest opportunity for a thief to get inside, they could easily break into your home by coming through the door that leads from the garage to your home. These are all good enough reasons to get better security for your garage. We have outlined some things that we think will be beneficial to convincing you of the need to have locks placed on your garage.

Why Your Garage a Target

Again, assume you are inside your house and you have left the garage open. Perhaps the phone is ringing or the baby just woke up. You may simply react without giving any consideration to the fact that your garage door is still up. Now suppose someone driving by doesn’t see anyone in site. They may jump out quickly and grab your valuables. It is an easy way to get away with your goods. It is also a good hiding place for a criminal. What prevents them from hiding in your garage until you leave and then going into your home? These are all things that homeowners should consider. Since a garage is usually full of boxes, it is easy for a thief to hideout here.

We suggest you let a qualified locksmith install a deadbolt lock on your garage door for added protection. It certainly couldn’t hurt to have more security installed. If you have this type of lock on your door, it will be a good way to remind you of the need to be more cautious when in your garage. It will remind you of the necessity to lock up your garage. This type of lock isn’t necessarily installed on the garage door itself, although it could, we usually install it on the door that leads from the garage into your home. This serves to protect you and your loved ones from harm. If someone were able to make their way into your home, you wouldn’t have to worry about being harmed by them because they can’t go any further. 

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Benefits of a Home Safe

You don’t have to be rich or famous in order to have a safe at home. You also don’t have to live Hollywood or Manhattan and be a business or entertainment mogul. Home safes are now affordable and more mainstream than ever. In fact, our Locksmith Clarkston GA team has been busy installing home safes in all areas of town and in all sizes and materials. There was a time when enclosed garages were also considered for the well off or well connected. Now, multi bay garages are considered standard in new home purchases. The same is quickly happening with residential safes; more and more homeowners are seeing the benefits having one to secure their most prized possessions and valuables.

How do I know if I need one?

Here’s a simple question; do you have items that you’d like to protect and preserve? Do you consider yourself a private person? Do you have documents or cash money that you’d like to save for a rainy day or emergency? If you answered yes to any of these; you could benefit from having a safe at home.

Each safe need is different

Your next door neighbor may use his or her safe to store watches and jewelry. Your friend down the street may keep important documents in his. You might be thinking of stashing cash in yours. There’s no one-size-fits-all way to use your home safe; each circumstance is different and unique. You should work closely with a residential locksmith shop either here in Clarkston, GA or in your own city. Your technician will be able to recommend the right safe model for your needs including the right safe construction materials and the best location in your home for your safe to be placed in.

Questions you may have

Buying any appliance or tool opens produces questions both before and after the sale; home safes are no different. Here are some of the most common ones we hear:
  1. Will having a home safe make me a target for burglars or home invaders?
  2. What if I forget my dial combination or key code sequence? How will I access my safe, then?
  3. Are there monthly maintenance costs to service or repair my safe? I don’t want to add to my household bills.
  4. Can I afford to buy a home safe or should I just wait until the prices fall?
  5. Should I keep it quiet and be discreet that I have a home safe? Whom should I actually tell?
  6. What exactly can I put into my home safe?

Your answers!

Having a home safe will not make you more susceptible to burglars and home invaders. The prevalence of home safes and your discretion work together to make having a home safe; safe! Now, if you brag to others that your home contains a safe full of cash or jewelry; sure, that is a fool hardy invitation to problems but generally safe owners know to keep their safe contents to themselves.

Safe prices are very affordable and you can price many models online or in a store. You can buy used safes and save money but we don’t recommend that option. You’ll wind up paying more in repair and maintenance costs of your safe was not well maintained or if it is sealed and you now need it unlocked and opened for you.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Watch And Learn How We Can Help You Today!

Our Youtube Channel

Whether for an unexpected lockout, or a scheduled service like lock replacement, you will one day need the assistance of a locksmith. Locksmith Clarkston GA is pleased to be the local business that can be counted on for help.

No matter what time it is, call our number - (678) 803-6439 if you want to be put in touch with licensed team members who care about the safety of your property.

No matter what time it is, Locksmith Clarkston GA is the finest locksmith in Clarkston, GA. Write down our number or save it in your phone: (678) 803-6439.

Address: 3629 Montreal Creek Cir, Clarkston, GA 30021

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Zore – A Technologically Advanced Gun Lock To Keep You And Your Guns Safe

BY  · NOVEMBER 11, 2016

Zore X is an awesome new gun lock designed to keep you, your family, and your gun safe at all times. This futuristic new gun lock eliminates the need for gun safes that can prevent you from accessing your weapon when you need to and makes “smart gun” technology redundant.

The Zore X doesn’t just keep your kids, an intruder, or possible attacker from accessing your weapon. It will send you a notification to let you know that someone is trying to compromise your weapon. It contains special polymers that expand when an unauthorized individual attempts to unlock your handgun, making it useless in the wrong hands.

The Zore X also uses Rapid Dial, a combination lock-like security system that allows you to unlock your weapon without even looking at it.

Sound too good to be true? It isn’t. It’s real and it’s here. See it in action for yourself below:

Article Source: Zore – A Technologically Advanced Gun Lock To Keep You And Your Guns Safe

Related Article: Gun Safety: The 4 Rules Plus a Little More

If you want to add protection to your gun by having a gun safe, visit

Thursday, July 21, 2016

10 Ways to Keep Thieves From Robbing Your Home When You’re Away

Don’t make your home a target.

The season of long weekends and beach getaways is upon us, and the last thing any homeowner wants to imagine when they’re soaking in the sun or taking a dip at the lake is a burglar snooping around their empty home. While there is no use in being paranoid about your belongings while you’re away, home security shouldn’t be taken lightly. And it’s the right season to be wary: The U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics has found that household burglary rates are highest in the summer.
So whether you’re getting away for the day or weekend or taking an extended vacation, put these 10 summer holiday safety tips to work and make your home less of a target for robbers this season — or any season.
1. Beef up security systems
Sure, you’ve set the alarm and have motion-activated lights outside, but there are some additional things you should consider doing to fortify your home. For instance, install a heavy-duty lock strike plate on your door; it’s the weakest part and where thieves may try to break in. You can also add sash pins to double-hung windows to make them more secure.
2. Make your home look lived in
One big clue to burglars that you’ve gone away during the summer? An unkempt lawn. Be sure to mow it before you leave — or hire someone to keep it trimmed while you’re gone — so your home looks well cared for. The same precaution can be transferred to winter months — if you’re expecting a big snow, have someone on retainer to shovel your walk and driveway.
3. Windows + extension cords = bad
String lights can be a great way to illuminate a deck or outdoor space during summer months, but don’t run electrical extension cords through your windows. If your windows don’t close and latch, you’re sending burglars an invitation to invade.
4. Don’t fall for door-to-door solicitations
A common way to scope out what kind of goodies you have in your home is by posing as a charity asking for donations. If someone comes to your door, don’t open it, or ask for an ID that links them to the charity — and don’t let them see inside.
5. Use the latest tech
Take advantage of a devices like FakeTV, which mimics the flickering light of a TV to make it look as though you are home. Other home automation devices, like Wi-Fi-enabled security systems or plug-in devices that allow you to turn lights on and off remotely with your cellphone, can also help ward off thieves.
6. Keep your valuables out of sight
That shiny new laptop, your favorite jewelry, or basically anything valuable you’ve forgotten to stash out of sight could tempt burglars. Before you head out of town, do a quick walk-through in each room and hide all valuables.
7. Make a record of valuables
It’s a good idea to take pictures of your stuff — particularly big-ticket items such as laptops and TVs — and keep serial numbers in a safe place. Should the worst happen, you’ll have a record of what was taken and be able to confirm your things are truly yours if they are recovered by police.
8. Do your packing out of sight
Sure, you have to make room for the bikes, load up the boogie boards, and stash away some snacks, but be smart about where you pack up the car. If possible, keep your car in the garage or out of sight, advises Heather Dodson, a real estate agent at Team Leung in Greensboro, NC.
9. Be smart about boxes
If you’ve bought new gear to bring along on your summer vacation, don’t leave the empty boxes on the curb for everyone to see. Instead, break down the cardboard and put it in your container for recycling or trash pickup.
10. Don’t publicize your vacation plans
It’s hard to fight the allure of Facebook and Instagram. But it’s probably not the best idea to share your travel plans online with your 500 closest friends. Your Facebook profile might not be as private as you think — and it’s better not to take the risk.

Related article: Do It Yourself Home Security